Firearm Licence Verification

As of May 18, 2022, the Federal government requires every firearm licence (PAL) to be verified for all non-restricted firearm sales. Once a PAL has been verified via a government website, a confirmation number is returned, and the sale can then be completed.

In order to complete the sale of a non-restricted firearm, four pieces of information are required:

1) Your email address the RCMP has on file.
     If you are unsure of this email address, please log into the RCMP website or call them at 1 800 731-4000.

2) Your date of birth (DOB)

3) Two photos, front and back, of your PAL

4) Two photos, front and back, of government issued photo ID, eg driver's licence

To speed up processing, please email these four pieces of information to

Please bear with us as we refine our systems for these major changes, and thank you for your patience.